
Monday, July 25, 2011

Fixed that for you... 

     My pal Debbie Logsdon asked me if I'd be willing to help clarify Spirit's Frequently Asked Questions About the Contract, so here are the Company's answers in a shorter, more precise version…

If the Company wants to pay us at Market, why are caps included in the proposal?
     There are caps because the Company is concerned that there may, perhaps, might be some wild, unrealistic market fluctuation that would spike salaries. How that unrealistic fluctuation could possibly happen using the SIRS High Tech Composite data -- which averages dozens of job codes across hundreds of companies -- well… what's the next question?

Can’t these drive us below market?

Why does the Company proposal set the Performance Bonus percentages below that received by other employees?
     The Incentive Plan percentages are only lower than that received by all other salaried employees, like management and engineers. The Incentive Plans for the IAM, IBEW, and UAW are lower than the WTPU's because they all have an additional "Gain Share" bonus plan to make up for it,.
It looks like the proposed contract offer freezes salaries at their present level through January 31, 2021. Does this mean there will be no raises for ten years?
     As there are no minimum guaranteed raises, it means that individual employees could receive no raises for ten years.

The Union has told me there is a plan to hire NC programmers as contract labor to work at home and that the contract would let the Company lay me off, but continue to use the contract labor. Is this true?
     Blah, blah, blah, blah… Yes.
Can you show us the data from the SIRS report that will be used to set the SELA Fund?
     No, but we will be sharing it with WTPU leadership prior to fund identification.

Why is the $2,000 payment after ratification an advance on the Performance Bonus payment for 2012?
     Because we'd prefer to pay you with your own money.

-- Bill, who thinks the Company needs to re-do their Compensation video, this time addressing the salary adjustment pool maximum "caps"…

I don't like the COLA clause in there because it rewards people who don't do their job very well. So, why should they even be given a minimum raise? I strongly believe that you work hard, you get rewarded.

I think there should be something that will show us to drive for excellence in our jobs to be rewarded for.

It just disgust me to see people getting rewarded for little next to no work at all. I hope you don't encourage the COLA to be reinstated.
You must not have worked at Spirit very long. Hard here at Spirit only gets your job outsourced and a new job that you aren't qualified for at 60% of your former pay.
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