
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Almost had another Recordable Incident today... 

After the letter I received from Mr. Turner this past weekend, stating...

We are pleased to announce that, while the Profit Sharing Plan for represented employees did not trigger, the Company worked with our Board of Directors, who approved applying a similar method of the calculation described above to grant a discretionary earned time off award to all represented employees.

...I expected a flight of chimpanzees to buzz Sid Stahl's head this morning but that didn't happen, so I can only assume that the determination of this "discretionary" award to represented employees occurred far after our Execs assured a bonus bigger than they'd earned for themselves... which would explain why we knew they got their bonus two weeks ago while ours suddenly appeared before us yesterday.

My boss has his weekly crew meeting tomorrow afternoon and I'll be asking him what he knows about when the Company approached the Board to grant us the ETO bonus and just what "similar method" was used, but I suspect that HR has kept him in the dark about this as much as they've kept me and he'll be unable to answer any of my questions, so please expect an "Open Letter to My Corporate Masters" posting later in the week.

-- Bill, who suspects my angry, represented coworkers far more responsible for my bonus than were our Execs...

I see we're still focusing on the trees and missing the forest. Not surprised.
(Okay, I'll play your silly little "cliche" game...)

I know you "big picture" types never seem to understand it, but God is in the details and you ignore them at your peril.
Big picture always matters. The details only sometimes by comparison.

"We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell.”
- Oscar Wilde
Sweeeeet! So I can expect you to call Tooling Business Manager Dean Edwards' cell phone about 2:15 Tuesday afternoon and tell him and the Tooling Sr Staff gathered that they really don't need the detailed status on Tooling's IT issues they've requested from me and that a simple green circle on screen should suffice?

"What a maroon" -- Bugs Bunny
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