Thursday, August 09, 2007

Shortly after tonight's Midwest Council meeting, one of the attendees took me aside and asked me if I thought the Board would be hiring from inside our union or looking externally for Charlie's replacement.
I had to honestly respond that I really didn't much care who it was; as long as the person we hired was the applicant who met most of the "Role, Responsibility, and Authority" characteristics that the Board-chartered 18-member hiring advisory committee recommended, I'd have no problem hiring Charlie's replacement from within SPEEA or without.
I then told my Inquisitioner that my only stipulation would be that the new ExecDir wouldn't be anybody who's served on the Board nor as a Council Officer for the last five years, because my observation of these friends of mine is that they all have faaaaaaar too much ownership in their factional political positions and allegiances to be the neutral leader we now need.
-- Bill, who hopes they might change...
I feel like this "Phoolish Cat" who opened a "Wurmhole".
Both warring factions are adopting the positions and tactics previously espoused by their opponents.
Somehow I suppose there is some great lesson in the corrupting nature of power or at least human vanity, but right now I am betting on the "wurmhole".
My Bad. Sorry SPEEA...
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Both warring factions are adopting the positions and tactics previously espoused by their opponents.
Somehow I suppose there is some great lesson in the corrupting nature of power or at least human vanity, but right now I am betting on the "wurmhole".
My Bad. Sorry SPEEA...