
Monday, July 25, 2005

Well, maybe this will catch their attention... 

A week or so back, I wrote directly to the folks at "no_wtpu@cox.net," questioning a report I'd seen in the Wichita Eagle. I'd read that one of the primary reasons the petitioner wanted to eliminate union protections for our coworkers was "to allow our own voices to be heard again."

Subj: A question about your rationale...
Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 8:34:25 PM
From: WorkerUnit
To: no_wtpu@cox.net

The newspaper reports that you've petitioned for decertification in order to have your voice heard and I was wondering... just who's not listening to you?

There's nothing in our contracts that prevents any interaction between management and us subordinates. I don't know about you, but I've always had a marvelously open communication relationship right up my Organization's management chain, from First Level to Director. In our wide-ranging discussions, I've never once found a contract provision that became a roadblock.

You, however, apparently have had other experiences and I was wondering just what you couldn't talk to the Boss about and how a loss of union representation would somehow rectify that?

-- Bill Hartig

I've yet to receive an answer or acknowledgement.

-- Bill, who's not much surprised, as their arguments don't hold up to scrutiny...

UPDATE: Y'all might not want to sent any e-mail to that "no_wtpu@cox.net" e-dress from your work location, 'cause I just found out that a friend of mine -- a Decert supporter a year ago -- sent a polite contradiction to them and they ratted him out to Security, claiming he was misusing Company time by sending the e-mail to them during work hours. I wonder if they also turned in supportive messages sent to them during similar work periods...
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