Monday, July 18, 2005
FAQ you...
The folks behind the effort to take away our legal rights to union representation have a website out there, with what they state are "Just the FAQs" about their campaign. I don't think their answers are quite complete enough, so I’ve some followup questions:
Decert FAQ #4.: Is there a difference in the SPEEA-WTPU represented and non-represented packages that went out to employees?
ANSWER: Only the EIP-like bonus.Followup: Is there a difference in the SPEEA-WTPU represented contract and the implemented "Initial" non-represented conditions of Day One? I mean, if your contention is that non-represented employees would somehow fare better without a union, how do you explain away the fact that the contract improves on virtually all "Day One" wages, hours, and working conditions? Guaranteed wage pool minimums. Double-time for PC2 overtime. Limits on mandatory overtime. Retention appeals. Recall from layoffs. So you've gotta admit there are significant increases in what the represented employees negotiated and what was imposed on us Day One, doncha?
Decert FAQ #5.: Why would MWAS cause friction by offering a better Annual Performance Bonus for non-represented employees?
ANSWER: Additional cost associated with union representation.Followup: On what do you base your accusation that union representation costs the company the implied 10% of wages? Sure, union representation got double-time overtime pay for Paycode 2 employees and that adds to the bottom line. But that certainly can't comprise 10% of labor costs. So where's all this alleged extra cost coming from?
Decert FAQ #8.: Who will see my signature? Is it shared with any party?
ANSWER: We give them to the NLRB to count...Followup: While you answered the question of sharing with other parties, you neglected to answer the "who sees my signature" part. Who are the employees and consultants on the Decert Team who reviewed our coworkers' signatures?
-- Bill, who really didn't need another freakin' union-related distraction...