
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I need to get a freakin' life... 

Catching up on a little light reading this holiday weekend, I was most of the way through the 33-page filing for the Federal District Court action in "Smith, Prewitt, Ailes vs Boeing/Ducommun" when I stumbled across this little gem:

100. Defendant Boeing has taken no significant steps to rectify the serious problems at Ducommun. Rather, Boeing entered into sham negotiations with Ducommun, the result of which was a token payment by Ducommun to Boeing and no significant corrective action. At one point during a presentation by the Team to directors of Boeing, Carolyn Harms (Director of Production) stated that in addition to taking steps to assure that safe parts were going to be supplied in the future by Ducommun, Boeing should also consider that aircraft in service with Ducommun parts be inspected. Ron Brunton (Director of Quality) told Ms. Harms that her proposal was not going to happen.

I don't know who should be most concerned about this: Onex, because this is their new management team, or Boeing, 'cause this will be their biggest supplier, or us workers, who don't need to lose our pensions should TurnerCo go bankrupt from paying huge fines.

-- Bill, who couldn't make this $#!% up if he tried...
Hey Willie "G"
for some darn reason, I can not open the Prewitt suit, what's up?
DAWG, who does agree with randy about Bill.
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