
Wednesday, April 06, 2005

What a strange sense of deja vu... 

April 27, 2004, back when GKN was still in the running...

-- Bill, who guesses he can make this $#!% up if he tries...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

What the fu...?! 

I finally caught up with a week's worth of postal mail and see that Boeing finally sent me copies of my records they plan on sending to Onex. Unfortunately it was not in an electronic format, as I requested, so now I've gotta scan the paper copies of pages 7 and 8 of the package, which contain my signed 2005 Boeing Code of Conduct form: strangerly, it seems that while both have my Boeing name and BEMSID pre-printed, both don't have the same signature.

If you've not yet done so, I'd suggest requesting your Personnel records and see if there's some silly shi...uh, "stuff" in yours, too...

-- Bill, who's glad someone else's Corrective Action Memo wasn't there, too...

Sunday, April 03, 2005

"You're not telling us what's going on!"... 

I've recently heard a complaint or two that our Negotiation Team isn't sending out detailed information regarding Onex's initial offer and my response has been "just what part of last year's negotiation did you forget?"

For those with short attention spans, this negotiation with Onex is going to be pretty much just like the one we did with Boeing, less than a year ago. That means the Negotiation Team isn't going to be sharing the day-to-day changes in the contract, so as to not jerk our coworkers' lives around. There's really no need for anyone to worry if their favorite benefit is out one day, back in the following, then gone again the next.

No, much like last time 'round, the negotiators will reveal the specifics of the Company's "Best and 'Final' Offer" when we present it to the membership. No matter how many times they make that allegedly "final" offer.

-- Bill, who can't believe how soon they forget...

WARNING -- Parental Advisory -- EXPLICIT LYRICS... 

Someone apparently had a recording device in our negotiations 'cause some anonymous reader sent me (**Obscenity, so don't play it at work**) a .WAV soundclip of what I remember being a part of Team Spokesman Bob Brewer's opening remarks in our talks with Onex and Boeing negotiators.

-- Bill, who wasn't surprised when the companys' response was exactly the same...

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