
Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Monday’s talk... 

I didn’t speak from a script or notes or anything, so the following, much like my speech at the Annual Boeing Shareholders’ Meeting, is my best (flawed) recollection of what I thought I said at our "Reject the offer" meeting yesterday...

This contract offer was wrong when y’all rightfully rejected it two months ago. And it’s more "wrong" now.

It’s more wrong because, since then, I sat not more than ten feet from Harry Stonecipher, as he told me that BCA was in better shape than it’s ever been. It’s more wrong now because we’ve earned Boeing THREE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS more than they expected in the first three months of this year alone; all we’re asking for is just a small fraction of that over the life of our three-year contract. It’s more wrong now because the Company is giving stockholders a 17% dividend raise. It’s more wrong because they’re spending a billion dollars to buy back our stock. It’s more wrong because of the better offer they gave to IAM employees in ex-MacDAC St. Louis. So I recommend rejection of this contract offer.

As to the Strike Authorization vote...

I was standing in the lobby a short while ago, talking to countless friends and coworkers, some of whom I’d not seen in years. So I know, for a FACT, that there are Computing employees here who, ON THEIR OWN, could shut down Wichita. And Planning employees, who could stop production; folks working in Military who could cancel out Boeing’s quarterly productivity completion payments.

I’ve heard said that the Company thinks we can’t hurt them. I disagree; I think the Company thinks that WE think we can’t hurt them. But I believe we can and shouldn’t be afraid to let them know that WE know.

Ya see, it appears the Company’s position is "yeah, we can afford it. But if you want any of the profit you’ve earned you’re going to have to take it." And that’s what a Strike Authorization will do: you all distract them while I pick their pockets.

To that end, please vote FOR Strike Authorization and help us get the contract we deserve. Thank you...

-- Bill, who’s still amazed by the turnout...

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